Axminster’s beautiful independent bookshop
Our online store
Every book in our stock at the shop also lives here on our website. It means that you can browse from the comfort of your armchair and order by phone, email or social media message for collection from the shop or delivery by post.
The shop
While we offer a variety of ways to buy your books, we particularly like to see you in the shop. We love to chat about books and are happy to advise and to source those we may not have.
Our new storefront at Bookshop.org allows you to source from hundreds of thousands of books and buy through us for postal delivery. It is a wonderful asset to help keep small shops like ours in business.
Axminster’s own book and gift tokens
Signed & Special Editions
Signed books, special and independent bookshop exclusive editions
There are many books published in a year … but a few stand out. You know you will want them as soon as they arrive, and it makes good sense to pre-order. If you order those books from us you can secure discounts and we will sometimes be able to supply copies signed by the author.
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